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Hi! I'm Willow!

I created this site because I really wanted to post about all of the things I love, but didn't really have anywhere I could talk about all of it in one place or obsess without worrying about clogging up someone's feed. So I created this void to shout into.

Click on the "about" tab to learn a few of my favorite things and all the other things that make me "me" (and I couldn't resist showing my age and making a Myspace-style wall of icons [back in my day they were called avatars. Get off my lawn]). As far as content I'll actually be updating, I plan to focus on animals, books, nature/space, and travel, but you never know what else will pop up!

Feel free to shout into the void with me!! Share anything at all, whether it's related to the things I post or not. I love new things!